Christian Lundsgaard-Hansen
Gründer Sparkr
The purpose of the Swiss FinTech Awards is to promote regional development while helping create the strongest possible Swiss fintech ecosystem underpinned by unprecedented international network links. The Awards specifically recognise outstanding Swiss based fintech start-ups and influencers. The winners are chosen by a renowned jury consisting of a network of partner organisations and fintech experts.
Early Stage Start-up of the Year
For Swiss based fintech start-ups either being below two years of age or having fewer than CHF 2.5 million in funding at the time of the application. The winners are awarded a prize money.
Winner Early Stage Start-up of the Year
Top 5 start-ups (alphabetical order):
Growth Stage Start-up of the Year
For Swiss based fintech start-ups either being older than two years or having more than CHF 2.5 million in funding.
Winner Growth Stage Start-up of the Year
Top 5 start-ups (alphabetical order):
FinTech Influencer of the Year
For outstanding personalities or organizations who have advanced the Swiss fintech ecosystem. The candidates are nominated by the jury members.
Winner FinTech Influencer of the Year
Press Releases
Here you find the official press releases in English and German. Below you also find media content including video portraits of the finalists and pictures of the Swiss FinTech Awards Night.
Christian Lundsgaard-Hansen
Freelancer Conference Development Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum
Was im März in der Fintech-Schweiz gelaufen ist
03. April 2018
Warum Kryptounternehmen keine Bankkonten bekommen, wie PostFinance frühzeitig den Systemausfall probt und die besten Fintech-Start-ups der Schweiz.
20. März 2018,
Fintech 2018: Die Banken müssen sich öffnen
16. März 2018,
CVA named Fintech Influencer of the Year
Das sind die Gewinner des “Swiss Fintech Awards 2018”
16. März 2018
Gestern Abend wurden im Dolder Grand in Zürich die “Swiss Fintech Awards 2018” vergeben. Von über 70 eingereichten Bewerbungen erreichten zehn Fintechs die Finalrunde.
15. März 2018,
Die Gewinner der Swiss FinTech Awards
Swiss FinTech Awards Night 2018
15. März 2018, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards Night 2018
Red Carpet Pictures
15. März 2018, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Die dritten Swiss FinTech Awards
14. März 2018
Die besten Schweizer Fintech-Lösungen stehen kurz vor ihrer Auszeichnung. Ehemalige Preisträger sind bereits vom Markt verschwunden – durchaus erfolgreich.
Swiss FinTech Awards 2018
Finalist Growth Stage Loanboox
15. März 2018, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards 2018
Finalist Growth Stage PriceHubble
15. März 2018, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards 2018
Finalist Early Stage Proxeus
15. März 2018, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards 2018
Finalist Early Stage Viac
15. März 2018, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss Fintech Awards Unveil 2018 Finalists
07. Februar 2018
The four finalists for the 2018 Swiss Fintech Awards have been announced. Proxeus and VIAC are competing for the 2018’s Early Stage Startup Of The Year award, and Loanboox and PriceHubble are competing for the Growth Stage Startup Of The Year award.
Die Finalisten der Swiss FinTech Awards
03. Februar 2018
Die Jury hat aus zehn Nominierten vier Finalisten ausgewählt. Die Start-ups Proxeus, VIAC, Loanboox und PriceHubble stehen in der letzten Runde. Zwei von ihnen werden am 15. März ausgezeichnet.
22. Dezember 2017,
Die Nominierten der Swiss FinTech Awards 2018
10 Startups selected for the Swiss FinTech Awards 2018
22. Dezember 2017
The Swiss Fintech Awards have pre-selected 5 Early Stage Fintech Startups and 5 Growth Stage Startups. This 10 Startups will now join the Accenture Boot Camp in January including a Speed Dating with jury members and sponsors in February.
Launch of the Swiss FinTech Awards 2018 and opening of the online application platform for start-ups.
Application phase for start-ups ends.
The top 5 start-ups of the categories „Early Stage Start-up of the Year“ and „Growth Stage Start-up of the Year“ will be announced.
Accenture’s boot camp for top 5 start-ups of the categories „Early Stage Start-up of the Year“ and „Growth Stage Start-up of the Year“ takes place.
Speed dating event for top 5 start-ups of the categories „Early Stage Start-up of the Year“ and „Growth Stage Start-up of the Year“ with all jury members and members of the awards supporters club takes place.
The awards finalists will be announced.
Start-up pitches by finalists at Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum «FinTech 2018» and award ceremony at the Swiss FinTech Awards Night 2018.
Thomas holds a Master’s degree from the University of St. Gallen and a PhD from the University of Lausanne. He founded several companies and has broad experience as CEO and board member of various companies in the financial industry. He is currently engaged in FinTech and Asset Management research at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Matthias Niklowitz, studierte nach Informatik- und Bankausbildungen Sozial-, Umwelt- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Zürich und arbeitete etliche Jahre als Wirtschaftsjournalist, als Kommunikationsfachmann im globalen Investmentbanking und als Buy-Side-Analyst. Seit 2014 arbeitet er als Technologie-Analyst bei der Swisscom-Tochter e-Foresight sowie als Reporter.
Valentin Ade (33) ist seit April 2015 Redaktor bei „Finanz und Wirtschaft“. Er schreibt über Banken in der Schweiz, den Finanzplatz allgemein und die Digitalisierung der Branche im Speziellen. Daneben moderiert er verschiedene Konferenzen von FuW sowie externe Anlässe und Diskussionsrunden. Valentin Ade stieg 2005 bei der Badischen Zeitung in Rheinfelden in den Journalismus ein, ab August 2010 arbeitete er bis zu seinem Wechsel zu FuW für das Wirtschafsressort der Basler Zeitung. Daneben studierte er an der Universität Basel Medien- und Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Bachelor of Arts) sowie European Studies (Master of Arts).
Anke Bridge Haux is Head Digitalization & Products and a Member of the Executive Board of Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd. Digitalization & Products is responsible for the development of digital solutions for clients as well as the development of digital solutions and processes for the bank’s internal business operations. In addition, Digitalization & Products is responsible for the development and management of Credit Suisse’s core banking solutions and lending offerings. Anke re-joined Credit Suisse back in 2011 and has held various management positions. Prior to that Anke spent six years at UBS in various roles within Wealth Management and Investment Banking. She holds a Master in Finance and Economics from the University of St. Gallen and completed the General Management Program at Harvard Business School, Boston.
Accenture ist ein weltweit führendes Dienstleistungsunternehmen, das ein breites Portfolio von Services und Lösungen in den Bereichen Strategie, Consulting, Digital, Technologie und Operations anbietet.
Kontakt: Sebastian Guenther
Die BEKB ist mit mehr als 500 000 Kundinnen und Kunden, über 1 200 Mitarbeitenden, 67 Niederlassungen und den Angeboten der Onlinebank stark in den Kantonen Bern und Solothurn verankert. Als klassische Universalbank bietet sie umfassende Lösungen fürs Zahlen, Sparen, Anlegen, Finanzieren und Vorsorgen.
Die Credit Suisse ist einer der weltweit führenden Finanzdienstleister. Als integrierte Bank kann die Credit Suisse ihren Kunden ihre Expertise aus Private Banking, Investment Banking und Asset Management aus einer Hand anbieten.
Kontakt: Media Relations
Tel.: +41 84 433 88 44
Through its corporate venture capital (CVC) programme, PostFinance invests in innovative start-ups. This allows PostFinance to be directly involved in market changes, enabling it to identify emerging products, services, technologies and business models at an early stage. PostFinance is especially interested in high-growth start-ups in the fintech sector.
Die Raiffeisen Gruppe ist die führende Schweizer Retailbank. Die dritte Kraft im Schweizer Bankenmarkt zählt 3,7 Millionen Kundinnen und Kunden. Davon sind 1,9 Millionen Genossenschafter und somit Mitbesitzer ihrer Raiffeisenbank. Die Raiffeisen Gruppe ist an 1'004 Orten in der ganzen Schweiz präsent.
Kontakt: Stefan Jeker
Saxo Markets is the Institutional Division of Saxo Bank Group providing institutional clients and their end customers with multi-asset execution, prime brokerage services and trading technology. We help financial institutions access global markets and secure a multi-year innovation path.
Kontakt: Fidan Shtanaj
Tel.: +41 58 317 95 00
Founded in January 2017, Crypto Valley Association is a not-for-profit association established to support the development and dissemination of cryptographic technologies, blockchain, and other distributed ledger technologies by supporting startups and other companies in the greater area of Zug, Switzerland and internationally. Crypto Valley’s mission is to shape an open, free, and prosperous economy spanning multiple sectors.
EBAN (European Business Angel Network) is the pan-European representative for the early stage investor community, gathering 170 member organisations in 59 countries today. Established in 1999 by a group of pioneer angel networks in Europe with the collaboration of the European Commission and EURADA, EBAN represents a sector estimated to invest 7,5 billion Euros a year and playing a vital role in Europe’s future, notably in the funding of SMEs. EBAN fuels Europe’s growth through the creation of wealth and jobs.
Kontakt: Jacopo Losso
The Finance 2.0 is amongst the Flagship Conference and the verticals «Cryptofinance» and «InsurTech», the biggest and most influential Fintech-Venues in Switzerland – It is here where the key players meet.
Kontakt: financialmedia AG
Based out of city center of Geneva, Fusion selects about 10 fintech startups from all over the world for its 12-months acceleration program. FUSION capitalises on Switzerland’s position as a global hub for financial services as well as its world-beating reputation for innovation to drive the fintech agenda. Our aim, quite simply, is to fuse the best of Switzerland with the most promising fintech talent to lead innovation in financial services.
Kontakt: Sébastien Flury
Tel.: +41 78 822 96 47
The Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC) is a non-profit association under Swiss law that connects smart money investors to seed and early stage ICT startups based in Switzerland. It is open to anyone interested in "Angel Investing" and takes neither fees nor equity for deals that it facilitates. SICTIC Fintech Angels (SFA) is a new vertical in the SICTIC Investor Community dedicated to fintech startups.
Kontakt: Thomas Kern
Website: is the online platform for young entrepreneurs, innovators and supporters. The hub increases the visibility of young Swiss companies and serves to highlight the diverse and vibrant start-up scene.
Kontakt: Stefan Kyora
Tel.: +41 41 226 20 80
Swiss Finance + Technology Association (Swiss FinteCH) is the hub for FinTech in Switzerland. The Association is neutral, inclusive, and non-profit. Our 250+ members are a diverse group individuals who makeup the ecosystem (e.g. entrepreneurs, professionals, investors, policy makers, etc.).
Kontakt: John Hucker
Twitter: @swissfintech
Swiss Finance Startups (SFS) as the industry association for the Swiss FinTech Startups wants to foster the Swiss FinTech ecosystem by bringing together Swiss FinTech founders, decision makers from established financial industry players and tech companies to exchange ideas, industry know-how and cooperate together.
Kontakt: Urs Haeusler
Internationales Fintech-Zentrum Schweiz - Die Schweiz soll ein international bedeutendes Zentrum für Digitalisierung und Innovation in der Finanzbranche werden. Mit diesem Ziel bündeln führende Unternehmen des Finanzplatzes ihre Kräfte im Verband «Swiss Fintech Innovations».
Kontakt: Anja Vujovic
Tenity is a global innovation ecosystem and early-stage investor making innovation work and advancing the future of finance. The story began back in 2015, when Tenity (formerly F10) was founded in the heart of the Swiss financial center Zurich. Since then, Tenity has grown to four hubs and a global team across Europe and Asia.
Der 1902 gegründete Zürcher Bankenverband vertritt die Interessen des Finanzplatzes Zürich gegenüber Behörden, Politik und Öffentlichkeit. Mit seinem Engagement für Bildung und Information trägt er dazu bei, dass Zürich auch in Zukunft ein Finanzplatz von Weltbedeutung bleibt.
Kontakt: Christian Bretscher
Tel.: +41 43 244 55 83
Die Hochschule Luzern ist die Fachhochschule der sechs Zentralschweizer Kantone und vereinigt die Departemente Technik & Architektur, Wirtschaft, Informatik, Soziale Arbeit, Design & Kunst sowie Musik. Mit rund 6'200 Studierenden in der Ausbildung und 4'600 in der Weiterbildung, über 400 aktuellen Forschungsprojekten und mehr als 1'600 Mitarbeitenden ist sie die grösste Bildungsinstitution im Herzen der Schweiz. Sie feiert 2017 ihr 20-Jahr-Jubiläum.
Kontakt: Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft, Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug IFZ
Tel.: +41 41 757 67 67
Fintech News Switzerland covers stories about the Fintech Ecosystem – i.e. Mobile Payment, Personal Finance, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Robo Advisor and Lending - and Startups in Switzerland, UK and Asia. also provides a bi-weekly newsletter with the most important information about the Fintech industry in Switzerland & Europe. is all about Startups, Tech & Innovation, founded in October 2015 by Cédric Bollag. The core of the blog is the StartupShow, where Cédric personally interviews CEOs, Founders and Investors of the most promising Startups around the world. Additionally, Cédric writes and curates written blog postst about a variety of topics such as gadget and app reviews, Startups, and technology.
Kontakt: Cédric Bollag
Tel.: +41 79 882 88 02
«#1 Independent Startup Blog in Switzerland»
Kontakt: Sébastien Flury
Tel.: +41 78 822 96 47
Swiss FinTech Awards Night 2017
09. März 2017, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards Night 2017
Red Carpet Pictures
09. März 2017, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards Night 2017
Interview mit Ottmar Hitzfeld
09. März 2017, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards 2017
Finalist Qumram
09. März 2017, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards 2017
Finalist Bexio
09. März 2017, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards 2017
Finalist Gatechain
09. März 2017, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Swiss FinTech Awards 2017
Finalist Crowdhouse
09. März 2017, The Dolder Grand, Zürich
Awards Supporters Club
Members of the Awards Supporters Club benefit from direct networking and exchange with the best fintech start-ups as well as access to the fintech events by Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum. By becoming a member, half of your members fee is invested in the prize money for the winning start-up in the category «Early Stage Startup of the Year».
If you also want to support the Swiss FinTech Awards program by becoming a member of our strong ecosystem, please contact Christian Lundsgaard-Hansen.
How to Participate at the Swiss FinTech Awards
All FinTech solutions with a Swiss connection are eligible. This can include, for example Swiss founders (active in Switzerland and/or abroad) or organisations with a Swiss head office.
«Great event with very interesting people and contributions and lots of brainfood. Fantastic location, top moderator, very well organized and a great atmosphere.»
«Ein gelungener Anlass mit einer gesunden Mischung aus Wissenstransfer, Networking und Entertainment»
«Aktuell, zielführend, wissensvermitteln»
«Die Fintech Awards sind ein Must für alle, denen die Schweizer Fintech-Startupszene am Herzen liegt.»
«Guter Mix zwischen Trends, Blick in die Zukunft und aktuellen Umsetzungen im Fintech-Bereich. Dazu genügend Zeit für das Networking.»
«Interessante und vielfältige Referenten/Themen. Kurzweilig. Ungezwungen. Gutes Networking (gute Organisation und feines Essen)»