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Digital Transformation


18. November 2021, 23. November 2021 and 25. November 2021

Das «Key Visual» der Konferenz «Webinar Data Driven 2021»



Beatrice Bösiger
Finanz und Wirtschaft


Alexander Trentin
Finanz und Wirtschaft

Data Driven Analytics makes an impact more than ever on our private and professional life. Sometimes they take place in the background but many aspects depend on the exploitation of Data Driven Analytics to generate the best results in the most efficient way.
Company managers and customers are changing their behaviour and benefitting from technical innovations brought about by Data Driven Analytics. This is particularly true in relation to the technology and business, finance and human resources of small and large companies, but the rising amount of data is also playing an increasingly pivotal role in improving customer experience.
We invite you to use the expertise you gain from our webinar as a compass for your own journey into the world of Data Driven Analytics.


We look forward to welcoming you on this new path between November 16 and 25.


Beatrice Bösiger Editor Finanz und Wirtschaft
Alexander Trentin Editor Finanz und Wirtschaft


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  • HR
  • Finance
  • Tech
  • CX
  • Tuesday, 16 November 2021


    New Ways of finding the Top Employees:


    On the first day of our webinar we’ll take a closer look at how data-driven applications can help companies find the best heads on the market. Peter Kirchschläger from University of Lucerne will talk about the ethical aspects those new recruiting solutions may get in touch with.


    Welcome by the day’s moderator


    Beatrice Bösiger Finanz und Wirtschaft


    Think it, voice it, see it, act on it


    Rickesh Patel Oracle


    Data Driven Analytics in HR – Ethical Considerations


    Prof. Dr. theol. lic. phil. Peter G. Kirchschläger University of Lucerne

  • Q&A

  • Summary by the day’s moderator


    Beatrice Bösiger Finanz und Wirtschaft

  • Thursday, 18 November 2021


    Build Your Data-Driven Finance:


    How can Finance help your company become smarter, more efficient and create a better working environment for employees? This topic is covered in the Finance section of our webinar by Jürgen Lindner and Frans Post who will give a practical example how data-driven Finance improved processes in the biggest law firm in the Netherlands.


    Welcome by the day’s moderator


    Beatrice Bösiger Finanz und Wirtschaft


    Looking Beyond «Finance as Usual»


    Jürgen Lindner Oracle


    How Data is supporting Galderma’s Transformation


    Thomas Dittrich Galderma


    Finance Transformation Journey


    Frans Post De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

  • Q&A

  • Summary by the day’s moderator


    Beatrice Bösiger Finanz und Wirtschaft

  • Tuesday, 23 November 2021


    Improving Efficiency in the Scope of Agriculture:


    Smart Farming is one the most important points agriculture has to deal with in the future. Alexander Lehrmann from Sunrise will present how data-driven analytics help to save chemicals and how the future of agriculture can be more efficient by using digital ways of working. 


    Welcome by the day’s moderator


    Alexander Trentin Finanz und Wirtschaft


    Unlocking Opportunities in Agriculture through Data Analytics  and what that might mean for you


    Dr. Thierry Bücheler Oracle


    Agriculture 4.0 – The Future of AI in Agriculture


    Ionut Deaconeasa Intel Corporation


    More Data, less Pesticides – the Value Proposition of 5G-Enabled Precision Farming


    Alexander Lehrmann Sunrise

  • Q&A

  • Summary by the day’s moderator


    Alexander Trentin Finanz und Wirtschaft

  • Thursday, 25 November 2021


    Impressing your Customer with Data-Based Strategies:


    Expectations of customers have grown enormously during the last years. To satisfy your clients is one of the central purposes data-driven strategists face actually. Clément Jaquemin presents the implementation of data analysis in modern enterprises while Mike Fuhrmann shows how Generali Switzerland could reach a much broader audience by using a sophisticated data strategy.


    Welcome by the day’s moderator


    Alexander Trentin Finanz und Wirtschaft


    Data for the Modern Enterprise – Analysis is Good, Real-time Action is Better


    Clément Jacquemin Oracle


    Optimizing your Digital Performance by Data-driven Always-on Strategy


    Mike Fuhrmann Generali Switzerland

  • Q&A

  • Summary by the day’s moderator

    Alexander Trentin Finanz und Wirtschaft





  • Founded in 1968, Intel’s technology has been at the heart of computing breakthroughs. We are an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. We stand at the brink of several technology inflections—artificial intelligence (AI), 5G network transformation, and the rise of the intelligent edge—that together will shape the future of technology. Silicon and software drive these inflections, and Intel is at the heart of it all.

    Our product portfolio provides end-to-end solutions that address the needs of an ever-evolving data-centric world. We are continuously developing new technologies and products for a broad spectrum of markets. From edge computing to the 5G network, cloud computing, AI, and autonomous driving, our products deliver the necessary building blocks for an increasingly smart and connected world. Over the past few years, we have transitioned to a more data-centric company while strengthening our focus on our four strategic priorities: accelerating growth, improving execution, thoughtfully deploying our stockholders’ capital and evolving our culture.

    Learn more

    Contact: Himanshu Saluja
    E-Mail: Himanshu.saluja@intel.com
    Website: www.intel.com

  • “Our mission is to help people see data in new ways, discover insights, unlock endless possibilities.”
    Oracle offers suites of integrated applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at https://www.oracle.com/corporate/corporate-facts.html

Cooperation Partner

  • Empa. The Place where Innovation Starts.

    Als interdisziplinäres Forschungsinstitut des ETH-Bereichs für Materialwissenschaften und Technologie entwickelt die Empa innovative Lösungen für die vorrangigen Herausforderungen von Industrie und Gesellschaft und trägt so massgeblich dazu bei, die Innovationskraft und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Schweizer Wirtschaft in einem zunehmend kompetitiven Umfeld zu stärken.

    Contact: Dr. Michael Hagmann
    Tel.: +41 58 765 45 92
    E-Mail: redaktion@empa.ch
    Website: www.empa.ch

  • Industrie 2025 ist die nationale Initiative mit dem Ziel, die digitale Transformation auf dem Werkplatz Schweiz voranzutreiben. Sie führt Anspruchsgruppen zusammen, strukturiert und vertieft vorhandenes Wissen und Erfahrungen und stellt diese frei zur Verfügung. Sie sorgt für die Einführung, Begleitung und Verankerung der Industrie 4.0-Konzepte in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken und Produktionsunternehmen. Dies geschieht über vielfältige Aktivitäten, Arbeitsgruppen und konkrete Dienstleistungen.

    Kontakt: Philip Hauri
    Tel.: +41 44 384 42 02
    E-Mail: philip.hauri@industrie2025.ch
    Website: www.industrie2025.ch

  • SwissCognitive – The Global AI Hub – is a trusted network of industries, organizations, enterprises and start-ups to openly & transparently discuss the opportunities, impacts & development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is an on- and offline community that puts the spotlight onto practical use-cases & hands-on experiences, and transfers the hype around AI into real possibilities.

    Contact: Valeska Hoenen
    Tel: +41 44 322 88 66
    Website: www.swisscognitive.ch

  • Als branchenübergreifender Wirtschaftsverband vertritt die Zürcher Handelskammer (ZHK) die Interessen von rund 1100 Mitgliedern in den Kantonen Zürich, Zug und Schaffhausen. Die ZHK baut Brücken zwischen Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft. Sie identifiziert Zukunftsthemen, ist Katalysator für politische Forderungen und engagiert sich für einen attraktiven Wirtschaftsraum mit liberalen, marktwirtschaftlich geprägten Rahmenbedingungen.

    Contact: Dr. Regine Sauter
    Tel.: +41 44 217 40 50
    E-Mail: direktion@zhk.ch
    Website: www.zhk.ch




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